Our Commitment
Our strategic plan and mission statement were updated in 2021 to reflect the importance of focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We know language continues to change to include terms such as “justice” and “belonging.”
And we have supported many of our area nonprofit organizations as they embark or further their own journeys related to diversity and equity. We’ve provided funding for some to bring in consultants to develop DEI related plans and supported others to attend relevant conferences and institutes.
We are on the journey, and we know we have a long way to go.
We will continue to intensify our focus on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our board and staff will continue to learn and determine how we can integrate what we have learned more deeply and intentionally into our work.
Look for updates on our progress in our newsletter and social media channels. We invite you to share with us how we can be better and work together to make Phoenixville one of the healthiest places for ALL in Pennsylvania.